Contact Lenses

Enhance your Eyes with these exciting Freshlook ColorBlends. Available with prescription also. Ask our optometrists for more information.
True Sapphire
Brilliant Blue
Sterling Grey
Gemstone Green
Pure Hazel

Contact lenses are the popular alternative for spectacles for correcting short-sightedness, long-sighted and astigmatism. Well-fitted contact lenses provide best of visual clarity and comfort. In some cases, contact lenses provide better vision than spectacles. They are ideal for athletes and also for people with active lifestyle. Cosmetic lenses are also available to change the color of the eyes.
Contact lenses are individually prescribed as per the initial examination done by the optometrist to ensure that it fits the eye correctly, as well as focuses light properly. Poorly fitted contact lenses can lead to severe problems and can also lead to infection.
Our optometrists are highly trained for the contact lens fitting so you can be rest assured that you will get the best possible advice and get full advantage of wearing contact lenses.
We are happy to help you make the best decision based on your lifestyle, budget and many other factors. We will assist you in finding right solution.

Come for a Free Contact Lens Trial
Why not visit Vision Nexgen for a contact lens consultation?
During your Visit one of our Optometrists will check your corneal eye health and determine whether contact lenses are suitable for your eyes and lifestyle. We will advise you which type of lenses are right for you, and will also fit your eyes with a pair of Contact Lenses so you can experience wearing them first hand. Once you are familiar with how they feel, we will remove them and you can share you experience with us.
Importance of Aftercare
After-Care is a vital part of wearing contact lenses.
During the after-care, your Optometrist will check that you are happy with your contact lenses and that
- You can see well with your contact lenses.
- Your contact lenses still fit well.
- Your contact lenses are comfortable throughout the duration of wear.
- Your eyes are healthy (This relates to the outer part of the eye only, where the contact lens sits. You are also advised to have regular eye tests whereby the Optometrist will examine inside your eye too.)
If you have concerns with any aspect of contact lens wear, your optometrist will be happy to discuss them during your check-up.
Daily Self-Assessment
- Do my eyes look good?
- Do my eyes feel good?
- Do my eyes see well?
If answer to any of the above question is NO, then you need to visit your eye care professional now.

Care for your Contact Lenses
- Always wash, rinse and dry your hands thoroughly before handling lenses, avoiding perfumed or medicated soaps and fluffy towels.
- If you wear reusable lenses, clean your contact lenses with new solution daily. This will remove dust, pollution, make-up and other pollutants that can potential damage your lenses.
- Never use tap water, bottled water or saliva on your lenses. Only use the cleaning and storing solutions recommended by your Optometrist.
- Do not exceed your maximum wearing time, even if your lenses feel comfortable.
- Do not sleep in your contact lenses, unless your Optometrist has advised.
- Wash and clean you lens case container everyday, and put fresh solution each time you store your lenses.
- Always wear a sunglass or protective glasses when you are going out in dusty environment.
- It is always advisable to carry one pair of spectacles along, just in case of emergency like sudden lens discomfort.
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